
You needs to provide data that gogocarto will display on the map. The data must be an array of json objects. See Element Documentation to know how each element must look like.

There is three ways of giving the data

With Local Object

<!-- Load data -->
<script src="../data/elements.js"></script>
<script src="../data/taxonomy-without-category.js"></script>

<body><div id="gogocarto"></div></body>

    carto = goGoCarto('#gogocarto', {
        taxonomy: taxonomy,
        elements: elements,

With distant Object, all at a time

  taxonomy: "",
  elements: "",

With distant API, and bounds queries

For large dataset, it is strongly recommanded to use an API which will only send the data needed by GoGocarto.

To use this feature, just add the requestByBounds option in the config

  taxonomy: "",
  elements: "",
  requestByBounds: true,

Whenever GoGoCarto needs elements, it will call the given API with the followings params

mainOptionId : If you are using the showOnePanePerMainOption option (see Configuration documentation) the Id of the current MainOption is sent. In this case, you would prefer send only the elements which are linked to this main option

boundsJson : An array of bounds object. A bounds is a rectangle defined with two points : southWest and northEast corners. A single bounds looks like

  "_southWest": {
    "lat": 42.61779,
    "lng": -3.38379
  "_northEast": {
    "lat": 49.89463,
    "lng": 5.20752

Remember, the boundsJson is an array of bounds (up to 4 bounds requested at a time)

    "_southWest": {
      "lat": 49.89463,
      "lng": -6.81152
    "_northEast": {
      "lat": 53.24943,
      "lng": 5.20752
    "_southWest": {
      "lat": 38.60909,
      "lng": 5.20752
    "_northEast": {
      "lat": 53.24943,
      "lng": 10.37109